
Sunday, September 25, 2011

You're Looking Swell...

We just made it home from a wonderful weekend spent with family and friends. My sister and best friend from high school threw us an amazing shower. We feel very blessed that so many people that love us came out to celebrate the coming arrival of baby Jack. Tomorrow I will blog about our wonderful shower, but wanted to write a quick post about a recent pregnancy-related experience...

A couple of weeks ago, I took my wedding rings off because I was noticing some mild swelling in my hands. The rings still fit, but I didn't want to run into an issue of not being able to get them off my hand. 

Now fast forward to Friday... we were getting ready to leave for Nashville for the weekend and I noticed my rings sitting on my bathroom counter next to the sink. In my mind I thought that maybe I should take them with me just in case someone broke into our house while we were gone and stole them {unlikely but the thought did cross my mind}. So I slipped my rings onto my slightly swollen baby finger and we headed to Nashville.

During the course of the weekend I proceeded to move my rings back and forth between my ring finger and my baby finger – sometimes it just felt too snug on my ring finger and sometimes it felt too loose on my baby finger.

This morning I actually woke up with really swollen hands and struggled to pull the rings off of my ring finger. Throughout the course of the day I proceeded to experience THE WORST SWELLING of my life. It was so bad that when we left my sister's house I discovered that neither pairs of my shoes fit. Boo.

We drove to Murfreesboro to visit with Daniel's dad before heading home. When we arrived at his dad's house, we went inside and I mentioned the swelling to Wesley – about this time I looked down at my baby finger and realized that my engagement ring {the one with the diamonds} was GONE. I tried not to panic but abruptly ran outside to tell Daniel and search our car.

Daniel and I looked everywhere that we could think of and even called my brother-in-law and asked him to look around their house as well. All of this was to no avail. We finally gave up our search and hoped for the best while we finished our visit with Wesley.

We were really hoping the ring would be somewhere in the car, but on the drive home Daniel asked if I thought we should replace the ring in the event that we couldn't find it. I told him we could cross that bridge if we came to it.

Once we were home, Daniel meticulously unloaded the car, starting with the big boxes in the back. As we got closer to the front, he went through every gift bag and open container that the ring might have fallen into. Thankfully it turned out that the ring was sitting loose on the back seat – it probably slipped off my finger when I had reached back to pet Sophie.

I am so thankful that we found that ring. It is now safely stored for the duration of my pregnancy...


  1. AAAAA! I would have panicked. I had a terrible time with swelling with my first baby. "cankles", they called me. :)

    You're almost there! Excited for you!

  2. I definitely have cankles today! A two-hour drive in the car didn't help things either :(

  3. Ahhh so glad you found it. Pregnancy swelling is the worst. Regardless, you look absolutely beautiful though. Can't wait to see your baby shower pics :)

  4. I would have felt terrible if the ring was gone for good, so it was definitely a blessing that it's not gone forever.
