
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Rained Out

This afternoon Daniel and I were planning on going on a 20+ mile road biking excursion from Crowder's Mountain to King's Mountain State Park and back again.

Anyways, on our way out to the starting point, we made a stop at a local bike shop to look at some bike accessories for me and to also pick up some road tires to replace my mountain biking tires.

We finally made our way to the park about 35 miles west of Charlotte. We began unloading our bikes and getting ready for the ride. We could hear the distant grumble of thunder but decided to suit up anyways, figuring that worst case scenario we cut the trip short when it started raining. Soon we had tires swapped and were on our way. We had pedaled less than a mile when we noticed a bolt of lightening followed shortly by thunder. We don't mess around with lightening, so we turned our bikes around and headed back for the car. The entire way back, the lightening and thunder were getting closer. We reached the car, loaded the bikes and got ourselves inside of the car just in time for the down pour to start. Soon sheets of rain were cascading down around us.

We ended up only riding about 1 mile, which was disappointing. We headed back to Charlotte and decided to stop at On The Border. We requested outdoor dining and hoped to finish the meal before the coming rain. We managed to make it all the way through the meal, pay our bill and sit for a view minutes before the rain began. At least we finished our food first.

The rain was definitely needed but we missed out on a good biking day. I suppose we will have other days to ride, just not today.

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