
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Home on the range...

Maybe not what you are thinking, but yesterday Daniel and I spent the day with some friends at an indoor shooting range in Greensboro, NC.

We tried a variety of guns and by the end of the day my shooting had gone from very inconsistent to a very consistent. I shot 45 rounds and every single one of them was in the 9 range (this is the first circle outside of the center x circle). I would say 80% were in the x circle and the ones that were outside were from when I was getting tired or to the end of a clip.

I learned a lot and am actually a good shot with the right sized gun for my hand. The thing that surprised me most was the loudness of gun fire - especially from the booths on either side of us. Thankfully I had double ear protection.
I shot 45 rounds that all were inside of the 9 circle - most were inside the X.

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