
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Poison Ivy

It would seem that Daniel has a case of poison ivy and it is most likely my fault.

Last Friday, I was picking up fallen sticks (and branches) in our yard and I found a pretty big one that needed to be cut up. I dragged it to the curb and later asked Daniel to do the manual labor of cutting it up.

For some time we have assumed that I must not be allergic to the stuff since Daniel and I will tramp through the very same places and he will end up with the itchy stuff while I will go unscathed.

So when he told me he thought he had poison ivy and I thought about the that branch I had dragged to the curb, there is a good chance that is what led to his outbreak. Poor Daniel. He is not very happy that I didn't disclose the possible poison ivy information.

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