
Saturday, February 07, 2009

Foot through Vent

So today is a two-for-one in the world of notes for me.

We at the Moore house seem to have bad luck at least a couple of times of year, or maybe we are just plain klutzy. Maybe neither... sometimes things just happen.

We are on Day 2 of some major projects - almost done with tiling the master bathroom and almost done with the basement floor. It has been a heck of a lot of work. To be honest, things just seem to go wrong when we do too much and get tired.

Tonight we were almost finished with our tiling for the evening and Daniel asked me to hand him something. I walked toward him, not paying attention to the floor, and managed to stick my foot through an uncovered vent. I must have placed my foot "just so" because I found myself falling forward with my leg all the way up to my knee hanging through the vent and my arm hitting a bucket of water.

Thankfully it didn't hurt me too bad, mostly just scraped me up. Thanks to the medicine I am taking for my blood clot
(back in October), I also experienced some pretty big bruises.

Note to self, don't work when you are getting tired. Too bad you can't just stop tiling when you feel tired... there is always stuff to be cleaned.

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