
Saturday, November 21, 2009

I Love You Moore than Dishes

The other day Daniel asked me if I could go back in time to when we were still engaged, would I still want to register for china. (No idea where this train of thought came from).

Hmmm... looking back there are plenty of things I would change about what we registered for, but I think I would still keep the nice dishes. It feels good to have the option for "fine dining" at my own table. In the past 7 years, my tastes have changed quite a bit. Maybe they have just become more honed. 

As for our everyday dishes, I am glad we kept the white Corelle ones that I my Grandma gave me (from her own set) while I was still in college. White is timeless and it is easy to add newer serving dishes to the collection. Though we could use some more cereal bowls (4 is not enough and we have had trouble finding our style of bowl). 

This bowl is the closest I have found, but it's not quite the same.

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