
Sunday, February 07, 2010

Mt. Kilimanjaro

On February 3, my best friend from high school summitted Mt. Kilimanjaro (elevation 19,341 feet). I am ridiculously proud {jealous} of her and can't wait to hear more and see pictures from her experience.

Her accomplishment got me to thinking about the things I have aspired to do in my own lifetime. I have to admit that I haven't marked too many things off of my personal life list. Which is, admittedly, a little sad to think about. But on the other hand I have done some things I had never dreamed of... get married, renovate a house, learning how to scuba dive and rock climb.

One of the big things on my list is to climb to the highest point in all 50 states. This little dream came about the first year I did Wilderness Trek (age 12) and we summitted Mt. Elbert - the highest point in Colorado (elevation 14,433 feet).

Since conceiving of this dream, I have bagged 4 additional highest peaks: Mt. Magazine (AR), Clingman's Done (TN), Mt. Mitchell (NC) and Mt. Rogers (VA). I wish I could say that I had bagged more highest points in the {almost} 18 years since having this idea (on a side note... how has that much time passed?). I have climbed plenty of other mountains, just not the highest points in each state.

Maybe I will try to be more diligent in pursuing this dream. I have other things on my list to work on, including visiting a laundry list of countries, bike touring in South East Asia and competing in a Muddy Buddy.

What kind of things have you always wanted to do? What's holding you back? We aren't getting any younger...

Cheree above the clouds on South Sister Mountain, Oregon.

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