
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Project 52: Date Nights - So Long. Farewell. My Feet Are Stained. Goodbye.

When I was in college, I spent a summer in Germany and Switzerland. Before the group I was traveling with left the USofA, we were given some basic German words and phrases to learn. Somebody also found a list of "sounds like" phrases to help us with our German. One of them was to say "My feet are stained" in lieu of "Auf Wiedersehen." Which cracked me up and has always stuck with me... most of the time we just said, "Guten Tag."

Anyways, Germany and stained feet have absolutely nothing to do with our weekly date. But this date did end in Goodbye. After a crazy month, an even crazier 7 days and the craziest weekend of working on the house, we topped it off by going to The Original Pancake House {our favorite place to go for Sunday morning brunch}. After eating, we said our {tearful} goodbyes in the parking lot and Daniel left Charlotte to drive the 5.5 hours to Chattanooga.

And so begins a job-induced separation with no clear end in sight. Talk about de ja vu... 8+yeas ago, while in college, we would take turns driving 6 hours {each way} EVERY weekend to see each other. *Gas was a lot cheaper back then, hopefully the driving will not kill us financially.

Unfortunately the house is still not quite ready to go on the market. This week I will be spending my evenings touching up paint, tying up loose projects and CLEANING. I will also be trying to meet with potential realtors to figure out how we want to proceed.

Hopefully the coming week won't be too terrible. Our time apart in the last 7+years has been very minimal {almost non existent} and I am not crazy about the whole separation thing. I am looking forward to our next date because it means he will be back in Charlotte with me for the weekend.


I saw this on Pop and Shorty and thought that it would be a nice compliment to weekly dating.


  1. I'm so sorry that you and your husband have to be apart. I hope it doesn't last too long.

    My husband loves, loves, loves going to the pancake house. It is not my favorite place, but I relent every once in a while!

  2. I'm sorry you have to be apart. :( that sucks!

  3. Its tough when you have to be apart. Love the sweetie stacks! Cute find!

  4. Not long until the weekend (you'll be over the hump tomorrow) - good luck with the house xo

  5. I feel for you. For the last two years my husband has been working in another city and only coming home on the weekends. Sometimes we only get one day before he has to go back for anywhere from 4-6 days. The kids and I miss him terribly and there is no end in sight for us either.

  6. Thank you all for the kind words. I think saying "goodbye" and him actually was actually harder than having him gone. Our dog is taking it the hardest. We have had her for most of the time that he was laid off (almost a year), so they had bonded quite a bit. It makes me sad to see her laying on the couch, staring out the window, waiting for him to come home.

    For those of you who are living this (Sara), I admire your strength to get through the week.

  7. That is so tough being apart! I LOVE the idea of the sweetie stats and just may have to buy those. What a fab wedding shower gift.

  8. hubby stats. i love that. so sad you two have to be apart! hopefully the house will sell soon so you can be together again. and so sad to leave Charlotte b/c it's such a lovely town. i'll hope for the weekend to come fast so you can be together again. see you next week!
    tiffany {Simply Modern Mom}

  9. I really think I am going to pick up the Sweetie Stats {or make my own version of it}. We are talking to 2 realtors on Saturday. I am praying the house is listed asap.
