
Monday, June 07, 2010


Over the last three months, Daniel and I have had to adjust our eating habits. For me, this means committing to cooking for one instead of running out for fast food every night. For Daniel, this has meant frequently eating out for lunch {the Reynold's, who he has been living with, have graciously provided meals for him in the evenings}.

This past weekend we discussed trying to limit eating out so often in order to save money and to improve our health. For this week, in particular, Daniel is house sitting for the Reynold's and will be on his own for all of his meals. So I asked him if he would like me to help him with a meal plan and shopping list {he said YES}.

When I thought about what Daniel could/would make for himself, I decided to incorporate the KIS'D
method or Keep It Simple Dear {as opposed to the KISS method - Keep It Simple Stupid as my husband is not stupid}. Daniel enjoys simpler flavors and tastes and since he is cooking for himself, I wanted it to be meals that he could put together quickly.

So for Daniel, we agreed that a Craisin Turkey Salad would be easy for his lunches. And for dinners, I suggested Spaghetti, a Salmon with Veggies packet and a Steak and Baked Potato night. He would most likely have leftovers from the spaghetti and none of these meals should take more than 20 minutes to prepare {even for Daniel who rarely cooks}.

I, on the other hand, will be making meals that include Lamb with Jasmine Rice and a side of Spinach, Dijon Pork Chops with Corn on the Cob, Eggs served on Red Peppers and Tomatoes and Fried Tilapia with Green Beans and Almonds.

Daniel has grown to love my cooking, but I know that if he is going to commit to cooking for himself, we need to keep it simple...

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