
Monday, August 23, 2010

My Saturn Won't Start...

I was able to visit with 12 relatives this weekend. whew. Actually it has been really nice to be able to buzz over to the Nashville area to meet up with family. 

I was planning on running over to Nashville to visit my brother and sister on Saturday because Daniel was going to take a class that would last all day Saturday. Then Thursday night my sister called to catch up and ask for some advice about their Saturn {the key wouldn't turn in the ignition}. After talking with her, Daniel and I decided to go to Nashville together {Daniel could take his class in Nashville instead of Chattanooga}.

My sister commented that she was a bit shocked at how easy it was for us to get together... she called on a Thursday and we were there on Friday. It is really nice to have this luxury after living 10 hours apart for the last 5+years.

Anyways, Daniel was able to get Angela and Robert's car to start... with a screwdriver. He showed Robert how to use the screwdriver to start the car so that they could drive it to CarMax to buy a new vehicle on Sunday.

When Daniel was surfing the internet trying to find fixes for the Saturn, he came across this forum with the following advice regarding not being able to start a Saturn...
congratulations: you are the 1 millionth Saturn ION owner to enter the thunderdome with the ignition switch problem of the century. be prepared for the ride of your life. and know, YOU MAY LOSE THIS BATTLE.

if you don't drink, start
if you recently quit counseling, call their 1-900 line to open a new case file
hide the kids
and send the dogs to grandma.
a bumpy ride awaits.

you may shoot someone before this is over.
I hope it isn't you.

I wish I had something else to offer.
my ION2 still doesn't work right.
I use my other car mostly,
when I use my ION, I have to turn if off by pulling some wires under the hood.

I'm glad you're car finally turned off.
if it doesn't in the future, pray that god has mercy on your soul.

PS: officially, this problem does not exist.
I suppose the moral is: Don't buy a Saturn unless you have a brother-in-law that can figure out {and fix} the problem...


  1. How wonderful that you are all so close to each other now! What a blessing that Daniel was able to help Angela & Robert out with getting the car started too!

    - Bernice

  2. Thank you Bernice. We are certainly enjoying being closer to both of our families :)
