
Monday, October 18, 2010

52 Books in 52 Weeks: Book 39, Part II

This is my Part II post for the book Commencement. I have been mulling over this book since I finished it. Mostly I was curious as to what the questions would be for the online book club.

1. What parts of the book could you most relate to? Least relate?
There is not a whole lot that I related to in this book. I had a hand-full of close girlfriend's in college, but I had a lot of guy friends too and I am a pretty independent person when it comes to my decision making process. I wasn't wild and crazy. I didn't plan on getting married, but I did end up getting married right out of college. After 8 years of marriage and post college, I guess I feel most like Celia – wanting more than my career has offered. Trying to figure out how to achieve those professional goals while balancing married life and personal goals.

2. If the author were to write another novel that followed one of the girls onto her next step of life, which one would you want it to be about? Whose story would you want to follow more of?
There were a lot of things left undone. It just kind of ended. Maybe the author is considering a sequel, but I don't feel like there is enough content to really continue with a series. 

3. What surprised you the most about this book?
I honestly thought the second half of the book was very predictable and boring.

4. Which character did you look forward to reading about the most? 
I was most curious about April.

5. Did this book meet your expectations? 
I read a lot, with a lot of variety. Fiction. Non Fiction. Comfortable topics. Uncomfortable topics. With all of my reading, I found this book to be boring and shallow. I have read non-fiction that is more interesting and fiction that is better written. I really thought that the idea of showing the internal struggles that women face today was an intriguing one, I just felt like the book didn't really get at a lot of the issues that women graduating from college are faced with {especially as they get older}.


  1. I also found this book to be a little bit shallow. I hated the drama about their relationship was because April disappeared. To me that was just an easy way to create some conflict in their lives! Love your blog--I'm going to check out some of the other books you've read! Always looking for a good recommendation. :)

  2. I agree with you about it being an "easy" way to create conflict.

    The books I have read this year are kind of all over the place. some good. some so so. hope you find some you like :)

  3. I also thought the author left it open for a sequel, but I'm not sure how it would go. Them 4 years from now married? Still trying to figure out their careers? Maybe Lara and Bree adopt?

  4. Your last response said it all so well. It was boring and slow and I think shallow sums it up well. I love your honesty.

    Thanks for participating!

  5. thanks for the feedback. I am looking forward to the next book :)
