
Sunday, November 07, 2010

Birthday Weekend

I am terrible about remembering to take photos. Especially when it is my family visiting. Which kind of stinks, since it would be nice to have some pics of us together. Oh well.

Friday night my brother, sister and her family all arrived for the weekend. I had chicken and dumplings waiting for them {note to self: Angela and Daniel are not fans of dark chicken}. Otherwise, this was an excellent recipe that I would consider making again. 

Afterward we sat around hanging out {which involved Mark, Angela and Robert on the couch surfing the internet on their phones – wish I took a pic of them}. Then Angela and Mark surprised me with a pistachio cake {a tradition in our family, but one I haven't had for my birthday in a about decade}. It was a sweet surprise.

Saturday, all of us {except for Daniel} piled into Angela and Robert's truck and drove to Atlanta to visit IKEA. Angela and Robert had never been and I needed a few big items for our house. Mark and I took turns trying to coral Izzy so that Angela and Robert could shop. We didn't have a stroller, but Izzy was a trooper. We did have to resort to pushing her on an office chair for a while and then on a flat cart once we were in the warehouse. She really liked the beds and the kids area. Overall, the day was a big success.

 Angela pushing Izzy in the IKEA warehouse – we had 4 carts for our purchases!

Especially when we got to the truck and realized that all of our purchases might not actually fit into the truck. Somehow we managed to get everything to fit – this involved holding things in our laps, but we made it home with everything in one piece {I was a bit nervous that we were going to lose my huge mirror, but everything made it home safely}.

Saturday night we stayed up and watched a movie on our new flat screen TV before going to bed. I made my special hot chocolate recipe.

This morning we were up bright and early {thanks to Izzy who is not aware of time changes}. I made a pumpkin nut loaf that turned out really yummy. I initially thought I only had 1 egg in the fridge and I needed 2 for the recipe. I did some internet research and discovered that you could substitute cola for eggs in a muffin recipe {close enough, right?}, so I was all set to include Dr. Pepper in the pumpkin loaf. But then I discovered I actually had 2 eggs instead of 1, so crisis averted.

It was a fun weekend. Izzy is as sweet as ever. They have left now and I am washing sheets and towels since Daniel's dad is coming this afternoon to stay the night with us {he works in Chattanooga on Mondays}.

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