
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

52 Books: Book 8, Part III

If you have been following along with the online book club, Book Beginnings and Bookends, this is the final set of questions/answers in regards to the book, Ape House.
Question/Answers for Chapters 25-Epilogue  
How would you describe the relationship between John and Isabel?
The first 12 chapters set us up to believe that John and Isabel would have some type of romantic connection. While I didn't want John to cheat, I found it odd that so much effort went into making us believe that a romance would happen.
What was your reaction to finding out Peter's role in the explosion and capture of the apes?
Peter was a creep. I am sure he had no intention of hurting Isabel, and that his decisions were based on greed, but he should have come clean to Isabel.
Both John and Amanda ended up achieving their professional goals. Amanda ended up getting pregnant and John is excited about having a baby. Do you think this is the end to their problems? Can John and Amanda be happy?
I think John and Amanda have a strong relationship. They endured a lot through the course of the book. The both seem to be in a good place – both individually and in their relationship.
What did you find to be the most intriguing about the bonobos?
I thought it was amazing that they could identify the intruders that bombed the research lab. I think that the book would have been more intriguing if there had been more time spent on the bonobos – like if there had been a trial and the bonobos took the stand.
Which character did you enjoy reading about the most? 
I thought Celia was an intriguing personality. I would have liked to learn more about her.
Was the ending what you expected? Did things resolve the way you thought they would?
To me, there was never any doubt that Isabel would get the bonobos back. I'm glad it ended the way it did.
And finally, any overall thoughts or feelings that these questions haven't addressed? How would you rate this book for others? Any part that you loved? Anything you hated? SHARE!
Honestly, I didn't really care for this book. There were so many random things going on. I think it would have made more sense if the author spent more time discussing the bonobos. Water for Elephants was a much more compelling story. I think Ape House would work as a 30-minute mystery drama on television, but as a book, I didn't think the writing cut it. 
I rated Ape House as a 2 out of 5 on Goodreads. Even though I didn't care for this book, I enjoyed reading other participant's thoughts on the book.


  1. I totally agree with you on John and Isabel's relationship- and your disappointment in the book. The author made it clear that John was interested, and then it just went nowhere. Did Isabel feel the same way? Was he disappointed when it didn't go anywhere? Meh.

  2. I am with you that "meh" is a good way to describe this book.
