
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Post-Workout Smoothie

After a tough workout I need a snack. One snack that I love is a cup of chocolate milk and a banana. Recently I have been experimenting with smoothies – this helps me to get more fruits into my diet. This is my favorite so far:

1 banana, sliced
3 fresh strawberries, sliced
1 handful of blueberries {I use fresh, but you could use frozen}
1 scoop fat-free frozen yogurt {I used the Homemade Vanilla flavor from Blue Bunny}
1/2 cup 1% milk
1 tsp orange juice
3 ice cubes

Place everything in a blender and blend until smooth.


  1. sounds good. I think I'll make Izzy and I one! She'd love that and we learned this week she LOVES milkshakes!

  2. If she loves milkshakes - I think she will really love this AND it's healthy :)

  3. Have you tried a green smoothie? I know it sounds gross, but it actually tastes really good and is really good for you!

    Blend 1 banana with 1 cup of orange juice
    Add two big handfuls of fresh baby spinach (the more the better - and I swear you can't taste the spinach) - blend for about 30 secs.
    Add two cups of frozen fruit - blend until smooth

  4. I have avoided the green smoothies for the sole fact that they are green. Since you say they taste good, I will give it a try.

  5. I'll have to ditto Sarah's green smoothie comment. You really can't taste the spinach.

    I buy the mango, strawberry, pineapple frozen fruit package from the grocery and then add fresh blueberries and about half of a banana. Toss in some spinach and add OJ. With that combo of colors you can actually add quite a bit of spinach and it still not be green.

  6. Thanks for the tip Cat - I will have to try that combination out.
