
Sunday, May 29, 2011

And We're Driving

En route north, we made a quick detour to Richmond, VA to have dinner with college friends, Julie and Luke, and to meet their newest addition: Halle. Halle is a tiny little bundle of sweetness who placidly let us hold her and road comfortably in her stroller when we walked to eat dinner at a Carytown Burger and Fries – Daniel and I split onion rings and a California Burger, which were excellent. Halle slept through the entire meal. It was so great to see old friends. Sadly I didn't take any pics :(

Carytown Burgers and Fries on Urbanspoon

Since we had already driven 10 hours, we contemplated the merits of pushing on through Washington DC. The pros were that we wouldn't have to fight with traffic the next morning. The cons were we had already been on the go for more than 14 hours. We agreed to push on.

What we hadn't expected was road construction that would reduce driving lanes down to one single lane (multiple times). At one point, we were pretty much stopped and Daniel was getting tired so he convinced me to participate in a "chinese fire drill" so that we could swap drivers. I agreed, and we quickly discussed the importance of shutting the car doors so that Sophie wouldn't decide to jump out. Traffic came to a stop and we both hopped out and Daniel proceeded to leave his door open! Thankfully Sophie didn't decide to jump out after us – I can't imagine trying to chase her across multiple lanes of traffic in DC!!!

After several hours of driving, we made it through DC and into Maryland. We consulted TripAdvisor and found a dog-friendly hotel in Baltimore. I have to take a moment to recommend the LaQuinta Inn at Edgewood. It is a new hotel and dogs stay for FREE. On top of that, our total cost was only $85 for a room with a king bed. The only negative was that the complimentary breakfast ended at 9AM since we were there during the week. Overall we would definitely recommend this hotel if you are passing through Baltimore.

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