
Friday, May 06, 2011

Baby "M" 13 Week Check Up

Today I am 13 weeks pregnant and had my third OB appointment. The ultrasound tech was out but our doctor gave us a peek. Baby is healthy. Heart rate was about 170. 

I don't always feel pregnant because I haven't had many symptoms. We saw the little blip of the heartbeat at 9 weeks, but our OB couldn't figure out how to properly work the new ultrasound machine. This time around she seemed to know the machine better and was able to zoom in and show us the heartbeat, head and spine. Seeing the actually shape of a child makes it all more real... it was amazing how much the baby moved in the short time we took a peek.

So far, I have had no morning sickness, lots of heart burn and plenty of fatigue. I have not gained any weight and continue to basically feel good {besides my daily shots}.

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