
Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane...

We finally made it to San Antonio after a pretty long delay in Nashville. When we arrived at the airport to check in, we learned that our plane was still on the ground in NYC, delayed due to bad weather in Chicago. Unfortunately this meant that instead of arriving in San Antonio before lunch, we didn't arrive until almost 4PM. Bummer.

The Nashville airport does not have free Wi-fi... what's up with that? Thank goodness for Red Box. We were able to burn 2 hours watching a movie and another hour eating lunch at O'Charleys.

Our flight was uneventful {other than the loud group of drunk 20-somethings sitting right behind us} and we arrived safely in Texas.

Daniel's dad has been in San Antonio all week for a conference. He had asked us to come down at the end of the week so that we could do a little vacationing with him. Unfortunately when we went to pick him up, we learned that early in the week he had come down with the flu and now appears to have walking pneumonia.

I feel so bad for him. We checked into our hotel and he just went to bed. I hope that he gets to feeling better soon.

This is our first trip to take WITHOUT Sophie. We left her in Nashville with Daniel's mom. I guess it is similar to leaving you kid for the first time. Daniel typed up two pages worth of instructions for Regina and we came down on Wednesday night so that Soph could adjust to her new surroundings. Since she knows Regina and has been to her house several times I think it will be smooth sailing. Daniel called his mom to check in last night and Sophie seems happy and well adjusted... maybe that has something to do with all the treats I am sure that she is getting! Soak it up Sophie while you can!!!

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