
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We Had A Baby!!!

Daniel and I are thrilled to welcome Jack Grayson Moore into the world. He was born at 4:41p.m. on 11-11-11 {his actual due date}, weighing in at 6 lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long.

Our little guy is a true delight. He has huge eyes and loves to look around to see everything that he can. He is currently eating like a champ and is not much of a crier. Mostly crying comes from getting his diaper changed – we think he is protesting getting cold. We feel so blessed to have him in our lives.

Daniel is off for the next three weeks so we feel truly blessed to be able to have to this time to adjust together and we are cherishing every moment.

Labor and delivery was quite the experience... definitely NOT what I expected. I will write a separate birth story post later – it was quite the 20 hours.

Since we went into labor {naturally} and had our baby on 11-11-11, we were interviewed by the Channel 9 News in Chattanooga.

The highlights are that Jack was born on 11-11-11. His name, Jack Grayson, is composed of 11 letters. He will be one of 11 great grandchildren {on my mom's side}. And he is named after Daniel's Papa Jack {who was a veteran}.

I can now cross #10 off my life list

I will be posting my birth story in the coming days.


  1. Congrats friend, he is just perfect!!!
    11-11-11 for a birthdate, too cool :)

  2. Thank you! We are so happy to have him here.

  3. Wow what a brilliant day to be born!

    Congratulations and good luck for that future.

