
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jack is Five Months

Only one more month to go and Jack will be half a year old. Time is an interesting thing... it seems like it has been both forever and a blink of an eye.

At 4 months, 2 weeks Jack was 15 lbs (50th percentile), 25.5 inches (50th percentile) and his head still measured in the 95th percentile! His immunization shots seemed to go better this time around. 

His big noggin means he is in size 6-9 month clothes {at least for any type of onesie or shirt that has to be pulled over his head}. Also his 3-6 month footed jammies no longer fit. Our little guy is growing like a chubby weed.

He can hold his head up really well and during tummy time you can see him rocking side to side, like he is trying to turn over. However, I have a feeling he may stand up before he crawls, because of his continued dislike of tummy time.

Jack has a thing about wanting something covering his face when he sleeps. I let him do this and then as soon as he is asleep I make sure his air passages aren't covered. I'm thankful for baby monitors that monitor movement. It makes me feel better about this development.

Jack is grabbing things with more purpose. He loves to wave his toys around or bat at things that we have hung from his car seat or play gym.

Our little guy continues to drool like crazy and has taken to gnawing on teething toys, our fingers, or anything he can get his chubby little hands on (even cold cucumbers). Still no signs of teeth yet.

He continues to babble up a storm but refuses to talk on demand. He is most likely to chat away in the early mornings or late at night.

When we go out to eat, he wants to sit in one of our laps and he will try to reach out and grab our plates – he did manage to pull a basket of fries and burger to him when we were eating at Red Robin. He also watches our drinks with great curiosity. He looks like he is ready for food and cups, but we will wait to until 6 months to introduce any of that.

A new development during nursing sessions is that Jack wants my undivided attention. No more browsing the internet on my phone or reading a book on my Kindle or typing an email on my laptop. Little boy will stop eating, look straight at me with a very annoyed look on his face and wait until it is perfectly quiet to start nursing again. 

Jack loves people and will let anyone hold him. We put him in the nursery class at church (during Bible class time). He loved it. He did really well sitting up for 50 minutes, which we are excited about.

Easter was a few days before Jack turned 5 months. We were visiting some of Daniel's family to celebrate spring birthdays, and his Aunt Emily spoiled him with all sorts of goodies: super cute outfits and lots of books. His Nana and Great Grandmother also brought outfits and stuffed animals. This was all good since Daniel and I did not buy a single thing for our boy. I am sure there will come a time when we get him fun stuff, but he has plenty of other people to spoil him. We just enjoy loving on him as much as possible and feel very blessed to have him in our lives.

*I will be writing monthly updates of Jack with pictures of Jack and the Tonka truck on the 11th of each month. One Month Old. Two Months Old. Three Months Old. Four Months Old.

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