
Saturday, November 24, 2012


Daniel thinks we looked like the Clampett's coming to town. 
We had a full vehicle, a full roof rack and a trailer!

We try to alternate holidays with our families as best we can. Some holidays this means we double up and see everyone. Some holidays it means we see who we can. It gets trickier the older we get – especially as our families grow.

This year was slated to be Thanksgiving with the Moores. My parents are taking care of my Grandmother in Arkansas and my sister and her family were going to her in-laws in Florida, so it was impossible to see both of our families this year. 

We just make an effort to see as many people as we can on each holiday {within reason}.

My brother was going to be around so we invited him over for the traditional Moore breakfast. He was game, but left in the afternoon to go home to cook a turkey for his friends who would be celebrating with him that evening.

Daniel's youngest sister, Emily, took charge of Thanksgiving this year. Last year Amy {Daniel's middle sister} hosted both Thanksgiving breakfast and Christmas Eve {and did an fantastic job} and the year before that, we hosted the Moores at our house in Alabama

I think rotating years is an excellent way to allow everyone a chance to be in charge and do things how they would want them done. Plus it spreads out the burden of planning/cooking/cleaning.

Emily works full time and is also enrolled in night school full time. She certainly has her hands full with her own life. But even so, she did a great job of getting Thanksgiving planned and on the table. She handled not one but two big meals in the same day, which is pretty impressive.

Unfortunately on Thanksgiving day Jack developed a mild fever some time after breakfast. Poor little guy just wanted to be held and cuddled for most of the day.

After some baby Tylenol and a brief evening nap, he was ready to play again. He was also very interested in our dessert.

Friday morning, we did not go shopping, but we did get up and go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast with Daniel's grandmother. 

Jack had a blast playing in the country store -- that place is as good as any toy store!

When it was all said and done, Jack was worn out. After two days of off and on fever and a barky cough {probably croup}, he seems to be on the mend.

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