
Monday, February 04, 2013

Date Night: Not What It Used to Be

Alternately titled: Date Night: What is that again?

I have read so many blogs/books/comments about the importance of continuing to date after the babies come. And I have to be honest and say that this is probably the hardest thing for Daniel and I to do with any kind of regularity. We have managed to do a lot of things since Jack joined our lives, but dating has been a struggle {it makes me really appreciate the 12 years of dates we had before parenthood}.

I think we have gone to the movies once by ourselves in the last year. I'm pretty sure that I can count on one hand the number of times we have gone out on an actual leave-the-house date without our boy.

It's tough when you live in a rural area and your closest family is two hours away. Close, but not quite close enough. Though the dates we have gone have been because family members have graciously watched our boy; and for that, we are truly thankful.

So dates these days? If we aren't too exhausted, we'll pop in a RedBox and hope we don't fall asleep in front of the TV. Last Friday we did that, but we improved a little on the watch a movie part. Instead of eating with Jack, we fed him leftovers and put him to bed; then Daniel ran into town for pizza while I made a Skillet Cookie from this recipe I found on Pinterest. We indulged in eating pizza on the couch... in front of the TV. It's been almost a year since we have done that! We watched The Dark Knight Rises ––just 6 months after its release date–– and enjoyed an amazing gooey dessert, with ice cream melted on top.

So it's not often fancy restaurants, coffee shops, movie theaters, mountain bike trails or paddling any more, but it's still nice to spend some time together. And we didn't fall asleep!

Best date since Jack was born was probably the day we were able to go canoeing. Just us, our canoe and a beautiful Saturday afternoon.

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