
Friday, June 21, 2013

Bittersweet -- The Beginning of the End

With new beginnings, you sometimes have to experience endings as well. We are in the midst of some of these types of endings. Tuesday was my last local group workout. Wednesday night I went down to Huntsville to celebrate with many of our friends at a baby shower. I am so thankful that I was able to go, but I am also a little sad that this may be the last shower we attend with this group.

Yesterday, the Bellefonte engineers had a retirement party for two of their managers. It was also their last day to be onsite together at Bellefonte. Most of them will be at Watts Bar next week, but in different capacities and not necessarily working together.

Last night I went back to Huntsville for a girl's night. We meet periodically to visit and share the good and bad parts of our lives and to pray together. It is probably the last one that I will be able to attend since we will be going with Daniel (Lord willing) to stay wherever we can find temporary housing until our house sells. 

I have been so blessed by this group of girls. We really love our class at church and have been so blessed by meeting together in each others homes and grabbing lunch on Sundays after church. 

We have always found a place in life groups (in Cookeville, TN and also in Charlotte, NC) and have made some really good friends over the years, but this time we have felt the most connected in the shortest amount of time. We are hoping to still be around on Sundays until our house sells, but it is sad knowing we will be leaving such a good group of people. I can't say enough about them. If you ever move to Huntsville and want to become a part of a church family, we would say go to Mayfair CoC and find the Servants at Heart class. They make a big church feel small and welcoming.

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