
Monday, November 18, 2013

Frogs Snails and Puppy Dog Tails Birthday Party, Jack's 2nd Birthday Party

Two weeks ago, our sweet little Jack turned two. In between our weekly travels and preparing our house to be sold, we had little opportunity to plan a party. 


We toyed with the idea of having a toddler hayride since we live in the country and also to have a toddler book exchange in lieu of presents from friends, but we just didn't seem to have the time to pull it all together.

So, on the Friday after Jack's birthday, we decided we needed to pull the trigger and make the invitations and get this party planned. And so we did.

We literally planned it in a couple of days. We knew that due to the last minute nature of our party (just over a week's notice) that it would be difficult to gather all of our friends and loved ones, so we were surprised and thankful that so many were able to show up despite the short notice.

It ended up being just family, but it was still a big turn out and we enjoyed getting to visit with everyone.

The theme of the party was Frogs, Snails and Puppy Dog Tails and I made my family's traditional Pistachio Cake in the form of cupcakes. I added googly sugar eyes to the cupcakes so they were fitting of silly little boys. 

I also made a Funfetti Sprinkle Cake (using this recipe) and used the shield and #2 from the invitation I designed as an element on the cake. It was a fun project. 

In terms of food, we went as simple as we could and ordered pizza. Daniel's family all offered to bring various items (drinks and more desserts) so we had plenty to eat. I also made a fun green punch (using this recipe) and a decadent hot chocolate (using this recipe) for the adults.

The hayride was a big hit with the kids. Living in the country has it's perks. We borrowed a trailer from one of Daniel's co-workers and picked up bales of hay from the local Home Depot. 

The kids had a blast jumping in the hay and riding around the yard behind the four wheeler. We would definitely consider doing this again if we have a big enough property once we move.

Our family was incredibly generous and got Jack some really fun gifts. He is in little boy heaven. Cars, trains, tools, stickers, clothes, and so much more.

We are so blessed that Jack is able to see so many people in our family throughout the year. Even when life is hectic, it is nice to pause and take time to be together and celebrate a birthday.

This year's party was simple and stress free. I still utilized Pinterest to come up with some ideas and will share, in more detail, some of the elements of the party. Pizza parties are definitely the way to go!

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