
Saturday, March 15, 2014

{semi yearly} Visit with College Friends

Every few years or so we manage to get together with a handful of our college friends. With social media being fairly prevalent in recent years, it has been easy to feel like we are connected even if we don't see or speak to each other very often.

This weekend Daniel's roommate from Harding University and his family came for an overnight visit. It was nice to be able to catch up and our kids had a blast playing together.

After eating our fill of chili and letting the kids jump on the bed and have a pillow fight, the kids went to bed while the adults stayed up to visit and enjoy a decadent Pi day Nutter Butter Peanut Butter Pie with a little decaf coffee. 

This morning, after a big breakfast, we took the kids to the Pumpkin Patch playground to run out some of their energy. 

After playing on the massive playground, we came home for more visiting and homemade fajitas.

Another Harding friend (who Daniel has known since childhood) drove over from Nashville with his wife to join us for lunch. 

It is hard to believe that we have all been married for around 10 years or that we all went to school together so long ago. The last 10+years have been a blink of an eye.

Our conversations have shifted from reminiscing about our college days to discussing our current lives – kids, jobs, families, illnesses, etc. I don't know what the future holds or what our future discussions will be, but I hope that we are able to continue to periodically get together. 

It is odd to think that our kids could theoretically be at Harding together some day.

Daniel on the big slide at the Pumpkin Patch

Daniel showing us how to zipline at the Pumpkin Patch.
He may have been a little too big for this :)

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