
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

25th Anniversary

In my family 25th wedding anniversary's are kind of a big deal. I come from a long line of people who have chosen, and worked hard, to have longevity in their marriages. These marriages are not perfect, as people are not perfect, and there have been divorces within the family, but marriage is serious business to us.

A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending my Aunt and Uncle's 25th Wedding Anniversary. Long ago my parents started a tradition that when you reach your 25th anniversary you receive a silver teapot set that gets passed along from couple to couple. Everyone who is married in our family has their names and the dates of their anniversary stored inside this teapot. My aunt and uncle will be the 4th couple to receive the teapot since the tradition started. 

Daniel and I have 13 years to go until we receive the teapot set – there are 3 couples in line ahead of us to receive it. I know it is just a teapot, but it is something to strive for. It is a reminder that people before us have worked through difficulties and carried on in good times and in bad. I feel blessed to have this tradition in our family.
*Unfortunately I can't find a photo of the teapot. I will update the blog later with an image

One other thing I wanted to include in this post is a story my mom wrote many years ago of how my Aunt and Uncle met...

The Story of Malvin and Becky 
By Lois Voyles, Illustrated by Cheree Voyles Moore (circa 1989)

Congratulations Uncle Malvin and Aunt Becky on 25 years of marriage! Their children, Andrew and Moriah, did a fabulous job of throwing them a surprise party! We wish you many more years of choosing love and happiness!


  1. What an awesome tradition! But I would expect nothing less from such an awesome family! And that story! Lois, it's absolutely fantastic! Well done! Very well done indeed!!!!! :)

    1. Thank you Murrray! I don't know if my mom will see the comments, but I will be sure to pass them along!

  2. How amazing!! 25th wedding anniversary. I just think how I will celebrate my 25th anniversary. I am sure I will book a wonderful vow renewal location for my husband and will order everything which he loves. I will give him great surprises on our next anniversary as it’s our 25th anniversary.
