
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Preschool Halloween Party

From my childhood, I only remember dressing up for Halloween on the actual evening and walking around my neighborhood in a homemade costume to get candy. 

As a still fairly new mom, I am discovering that this appears to no longer be the norm. At least we get a lot of use out of the costume!

Last Saturday we met with friends to visit a nursing home and bring a little joy to the residents. Then yesterday Jack's preschool class had their class party.

The parents (typically the moms) are supposed to sign up to host one of the school parties during the year. I signed up for Halloween to get it out of the way.

I had no idea what exactly to expect. I didn't want to go overboard, but wanted to make some fun goodies. I resorted to a goodie bag idea I found on Pinterest, then I drew faces on tangerines to look like mini jack-o-lanterns, and finally wrapped juice boxes to look like mummies.

A party for 2-3 year olds involves eating food, kids refusing to put on (or take off costumes) and flat out refusing a group picture. C'est la vie. There were a lot of cute costumes in the room.

Last night Jack got to wear his costume to church (3rd time in the costume this year). After the cupcakes, cookies and candy from the preschool party, Jack was a bit worn out. I had a rough go of it trying to  get him to stay in his class. 

This involved tears, bribery, taking off and putting back on his costume, before finally agree to "be like a big kid" and walking in the hallway parade for church.

Jack was one of the first kids to walk through the hallway (with me trailing slightly behind). He had a little swagger as he marched confidently in his Transformers costume. It was all I could do to not laugh (or tear up a bit, I am a pregnant mama after all).

Overall it was a successful day of costumes. There is still the actual day of Halloween to dress up. If we decide to, there is also dress up at the library and Zumbini class. All of these parties is enough to wear this mama out.

Previous Halloween Experiences:

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