
Sunday, November 02, 2014

Toddler Birthday WishList

We are gearing up for Jack's 3rd Birthday! I know it's cliche, and that I have said it a thousand times, but time is flying by!

It has been interesting to observe what Jack enjoys doing and we thought a gift guide for our family might be helpful for Jack's upcoming birthday. These are just ideas, but we are pretty confidant that he would enjoy these types of gifts.

Dress Up
Jack really loves to dress up at preschool and when we have play dates. He is particularly enamored by capes, swords, and guns but will pretty much wear anything given the opportunity. Here are a couple of things we found on Amazon that he would probably enjoy:

Jack really enjoys to pretend to take your order (like at a restaurant) and then pretend to cook you food. He is also fascinated with toy cash registers right now. 

Jack continues to show interest in all types of sports. He really likes playing with the Little Tikes Basketball Goal at church and preschool.

Cars, trucks, trains, really anything that moves (or digs) fascinate Jack. We think he would really enjoy the Fisher Price Wheelie's and Swoops race track

He also likes fixing and taking apart things, so this Take-Apart-Plane seems like a good fit.

Books and Games
Finally, Jack continues to be our little reader. We have a full list of books that we think Jack would like here, but The Bear Snores On series is by one of our favorite authors.

And Jack has enjoyed playing Uno Moo and Raccoon Rumpus with friends.

In terms of clothes, Jack is a size 3  in the toddler section.

See our complete wish list at

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