
Friday, February 27, 2015

Baby Update: 33 Weeks

I am still hanging in there with this baby. This afternoon I had my weekly OB appointment and Baby Moore passed the biophysical profile with flying colors. However, my amniotic fluid level is back up to 24cm (it was down to 21cm last week, but like I said before, these measurements are not perfect).

I can definitely tell that the fluid increased again... This week was pretty miserable compared to last week. I constantly have to pee (especially at night – like every 5 minutes – sorry TMI) and continue to be generally uncomfortable. My Braxton Hicks have also picked up again this week. This made me very anxious the night of our big snow when all of the roads off the mountain were essentially shut down. I will feel much better when winter is officially over!

This morning I had a dental appointment. The dental hygienist was short and had the chair very low with my head slightly below my feet. This was not an ideal way to spend 20 minutes when I already have extra pressure on my lungs, not to mention crazy heartburn! Drinking coffee before my appointment may not have been the best idea, but I survived. Even if I was a little light headed afterward.

I think that Jack and Sophie are determined to make me ready for the sleepless nights ahead. This week, Sophie has woken me up to go outside in the middle of the night and Jack has gotten up at 5:30am on several occasions. I'm not ready to give up my sleep yet!

The best thing from today's OB appointment is that my OB gave me a note to give to the high-risk OB if I was feeling bullied about any decisions. Essentially it says they have to clear anything through her before they tell me I need to deliver early or have a procedure like an amnioreduction. I am so glad to have a doctor that listens to me and has my back.

Baby #2, 33 Weeks

1 comment:

  1. You just took me back a few years. I remember when I was pregnant and had the same issues as you. I remember those middle of the night trips to the bathroom. It was all worth it of course. Thanks for sharing your photos. Your doctor sounds like a keeper. A doctor who listens makes a world of difference.

    Joanna @ Westheimer Dentist
