
Friday, March 13, 2015

Baby Update: 35 Weeks

The best thing to report for this week is that there isn't a lot of news. Meaning I'm not going into labor any time soon (we hope). My amniotic fluid levels are back down to 25cm (last week it was 27cm and anything 25+ is considered high risk), my blood pressure is good and everything is basically as it should be. I'm still uncomfortable, but I'm 8 months pregnant so that is to be expected.

I made a little headway this week and purchased outfits for the baby to come home from the hospital in. Jack was ecstatic that these onesies have capes. As I posted to Instagram and Facebook, "we still don't have names picked out, but our little one will have a super outfit to go home in."

I think the two outfits have confused Jack a little... he now thinks we are getting two babies.

One of the biggest differences between this pregnancy and when I was pregnant with Jack is that Daniel is working really long hours right now (he just came off of 13 consecutive work days). It would be nice to have more time to spend together as a little family of 3 before we grow to a family of 4, but we are doing our best to savor the time we do have together. 

I am still working out 4x a week and wearing my regular jeans. I'm guessing the baby hasn't dropped yet since I can still zip my pants up.

Baby #2, 35 Weeks

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