
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Who Does Isaac Look Like?

When I look at Isaac and Jack together I don't see a whole lot of resemblance. All I see is that Jack is no longer my baby – a little boy has taken place of my chubby firstborn.


I also have a hard time seeing me or Daniel in Isaac's features. But I recall feeling the same way with Jack – he was such a blend of us that I could never definitively say that he looked like either of us. However, I catch glimpses of familiar expressions from both of our families.



To compare the two, I took a little walk down memory lane. And then I see the resemblance of Isaac to Jack. As newborns there is a strong resemblance, these two are definitely brothers. 



Daniel even showed some photos of Jack to Jack and asked him who it was. Jack said, "Isaac." I am excited to see what Isaac looks like in a few years.

 Daniel, born August 1980

Cheree, born November 1980
Jack, born November 2011

Isaac, born April 2015

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