
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Baby Dedication 2015: Isaac

One of the downfalls of moving often when you are growing a family is that you sometimes miss out on baby-related events (like church baby showers and baby dedications). 

In the case of Jack, we had not yet placed membership at our church in Huntsville when it was time for baby dedication Sunday. So while we were in the audience, we did not get to participate in standing on stage with the other parents (we officially placed membership shortly after that Sunday).

This past Sunday was New Arrivals Day (or baby dedication day) at the church we currently worship with in Chattanooga. These events always make me feel a bit emotional. To start there was a slideshow of the new babies, followed by comments from the Children's Minister and then all of the families with new arrivals joined the Pulpit Minister on stage to dedicate our sweet babies.

As we walked up on to the stage I was struggling to choke back my emotions, but then Jack started acting goofy and I had something to focus on instead of crying (so really it was a good distraction).

(image via Clear Creek Church, Isaac is center with gray hat)

Before we were called up onto the stage, the Children's Minister explained that each family would receive a Mason Jar filled with 938 pennies to represent each week our child will be in our care, he then challenged us to make each week with our kids count. 

Once on stage our pulpit minister exhorted us to dedicate our children to God and to raise them as the bible has called us.

(image via Clear Creek Church)

He also requested that the congregation support us all in our endeavor to raise godly children (it was more eloquent than that, but I was trying to keep Jack from spinning around the stage – baby dedications are not a great place to practice spinjitzu). 

I'm thankful for our church family and for the opportunity to participate in an official baby dedication. Our prayer, and goal as parents, is that our children will grow up to love the Lord with all their hearts, souls and minds, and to love others as they love themselves. 

Afterwards the church provided a meal for all of the families so that we could have the opportunity to fellowship. We were thankful to have Daniel's parents join us on this special day.

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