
Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Things I Read in April (#5)

Can I just say that I am really struggling to read this year... 

It probably has something to do with not having had a single full night's sleep in the last year. Or the fact that I am now juggling two kids as part of my daily responsibilities, but truthfully I just haven't felt like it.

It's a strange thing to admit, that I don't want to read.

It probably has something to do with my passions changing with this new-ish season of life. There was a time when all I wanted to read was mysteries, ala Mary Higgens Clark. And there was a John Grisham phase, followed by years where I explored lots of different genres of literature. Post college I was enamored with leadership and business-focused books. But since I am not in the process of actively growing my business, these types of books no longer hold the same appeal they once did. I will occasionally pick up a parenting book, but while helpful, I find that I am more interested in parenting from my instincts and knowledge of my child verses the advice of an expert who doesn't know me or my children. Not to mention the fact that the internet provides quick access to information which makes plowing through an entire book seems like a waste of time.

Anyways, I don't fully know why I haven't been reading but those are my guesses.

Here is a taste of what I've been reading online:

The Secret to Being a Happy Mom by Dirt & Boogers 

She Only Said "Yes" Once by For Every Mom 

Outdoorsy People are Nicer than Indoorsy People by Adventure Machine 

You are Not "Too Much" via The Huffington Post

Parenting Starts Now by Hither & Thither

That Moment When 2016 Hits You via The Washington Post

How Americans Became so Sensitive via The Atlantic 

This Stage of Life? It's Hard by Austin Mom's Blog  

As for real, actual books, in April I read the book, Every Bitter Thing is Sweet by Sara Hagerty. This book is a reflection on facing lost expectations and learning to rely fully on God and his promises. There is a level that I connected with this book, having experienced miscarriage and various other lost expectations throughout my lifetime, but I had a hard time relating to the overall experience found within the pages of this book. 

From her struggle with infertility to the decision to adopt multiple times, I just couldn't get into this book. I don't like that I feel this way in the sense that this is a real person sharing her real struggles... Maybe my feelings have to do with where my personal passions currently are (see above), maybe it was the way parts of the book rambled, or it was the way her poetic language describes her personal relationship to God while my own interactions with God never feel beautiful or poetic. I don't know, but it took me weeks to finish this book and I ended up feeling a bit cynical about the ending. I think it's time for me to consider a new genre of books. Any suggestions?! 

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