
Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Coolidge Park with Friends

Chattanooga has so many wonderful places and outdoor spaces to take children to. Coolidge Park is located on the North Shore of downtown and is a safe urban setting (if you aren't a fan of taking your kids hiking in the woods!).

We love meeting up with friends to play in the field, ride the carousel, and walk by the river. On warm days, when the fountains are working, we enjoying playing in the water too. Also, there are huge Magnolia trees below the Walnut Street walking bridge that are perfect for climbing (if you like that sort of thing, which we do!).

On this visit, we met up here on a Tuesday (instead of Friday) to enjoy the sunshine. The fountains were off, but we still had a great time riding the carousel, playing in the field and going down to the river to throw rocks. We are so thankful for our friends who are willing to get out and meet with us each week.

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