
Sunday, March 04, 2018

Pump Track with Our Boys

The Pump Track at Stringer's Ridge is a favorite spot for our kids. We probably need to make the effort to go more often!

The first time we tried it out was Mother's Day last year. Jack had a blast! Isaac was riding on the back of Daniel's bike and was not amused. Earlier this year I took Jack, just the two of us, as a part of our nature day. He could have stayed all day, if I had let him.

Isaac has been doing such a great job on his balance bike and I showed us that he can really handle himself on the trail in the woods at our neighborhood park, so we thought we would go back to the Pump Track and he see how he did. He really blew us away with his natural ability.

His bike is just a balance bike, so he had to work hard to push it up the mounds, but once he was up, he had no trouble (or fear) coming down. "I can do it myself!" is his motto.

By the end of the outing, he was insisting that he needed pedals on his bike. At two, we aren't so sure he is ready, but he may prove us wrong!

And if you get bored with biking, you can always play the toddler favorite, Try to Get Me!

This was also a first for Jack, in that he has a new bike that is bigger and has gears. He handled himself well on this trip to the Pump Track.

As an aside, we realized that Isaac's bicycle helmet was really too small, so we measured his head and realized that it was bigger than Jack's! And Jack happens to have a huge head! Thankfully we had a hand-me-down helmet from a friend whose son is now a teenager!

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