
Monday, January 28, 2019

Mohaus Schoolhouse Week 20

Wrapping up the end of January with our homeschool was a bit of a challenge because I was sick and on top of that we had a few days of the polar vortex mixed in with mild days.


The public schools even ended up cancelling school twice for ice and possible (neither of which materialized).

Since we homeschool, we ended up doing a hybrid of regular school and playing with neighborhood friends who were unexpectedly home.

On MLK Day, Daniel had the day off but we ended up doing school anyways. I picked up several books from the library to help the kids learn about why we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.

We finally got around to setting off Jack's volcano that he had worked to build. We waited until both Daniel and Isaac were around to set off the chemical reaction.

The unexpected cancelled school day for ice meant basketball was also cancelled, but our YMCA co-op still met. Jack was bummed about the missed basketball game, but happy to go hang out with his friends at the Y.

(slide images right to see more from our climbing day).

That Friday I took the boys to High Point Climbing for the monthly homeschool day (which means half price climbing and free rentals – score!).

The kids were bummed that none of our usual group of friends could meet us (Friend Friday has been hit or miss this year), but they still had fun and we did run into some people we knew.

(slide images right to see more from our climbing day).

Jack spent part of the week preparing with Daniel for his very first Pinewood Derby with the Boy Scouts.

The event happened on a Saturday and Jack loved getting to race the car that he had worked so hard on. He didn't place, but we think he came in fourth. He was happy with that.

Sunday we met up with preschool families from our church at the Creative Discovery Museum. Both of our boys love that place and it was nice to hang out with friends and have the place to ourselves!

What Our Homeschool Looked Like in January:
Week 18 (Jan. 7-13)
Week 19 (Jan. 14-20)

And the rest of the school year:
September was our trip out West

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