
Sunday, March 29, 2020

CVSD: Day 18

Two nights ago our kids built cushion forts on our back deck and declared that they would like to sleep in their forts. We weren't sure if they would last the night, but they did.

Yesterday there was a threat of rain and storms so they moved their fort to the screened in portion of our deck and wanted to sleep outside again – it would be a rain challenge. Again, we agreed.

The storm rolled in at 5am this morning. I went out to check on them and said they could come in at any time. They said they were fine.

Today they moved the fort back to the open deck area and said they plan to sleep out there until it gets cold again. I think the heat will drive them indoors before the cold does. They have spent most of the day in their make-shift fort, adding rooms and supplies they think they need. They told us they were stocked for at least three days.

They have a vague awareness of the Coronavirus, but for the most part, their lives are unaffected. They miss their friends, but we are allowing them to bike, supervised in the neighborhood every day, which allows them a degree of interaction with others, so as to not make them feel fully isolated.

So while we worry about family and friends who are on the front lines in the medical field, and make plans for our next trip to get much-needed groceries, they carry on with the business of being children, and for that I am incredibly thankful.

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