
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

CVSD: Day 7

The lack of group exercise is starting to wear on me. I miss my workout groups and the endorphins I get several times a week at the Y. Tomorrow I need to get serious about finding workouts I can do at home that will keep me engaged.

The boys and I have been spending a lot of time outside. Mostly riding bikes at the park (them) and walking (me). We've told them they can't touch the playground equipment. We are opting to allow them interact with a couple of neighbor friends, though we are continually stressing that they need to stay six-feet apart. This leads to me flailing my arms from across the park and shouting things like, "Six feet!" and "Remember your social distancing!" or "I said SOCIAL DISTANCING!" These are strange times indeed.

We know quite a few people in our neighborhood, but more people seem to be at home right now, I find myself crossing paths with families I've never met before. We also check in daily with our elderly neighbors next door. Isaac has progressed to trying all kinds of tricks on his bicycle and I think he's going to give Mr. Wayne a heart attack.

Someone on Facebook suggested sharing about your day and describing your kids as co-workers. My share for that post was, "My coworker keeps yelling, 'Done!' from the bathroom and expects me to come help him."

My weekly Wednesday Bible Study group hopped on Zoom tonight. It was so good to see so many faces I love. I hope to give them all a big hug when this is over. We shared prayer requests, talked about the chapters in Proverbs that we have been reading and then just shared what's going on in our day-to-day lives. Have I mentioned I'm thankful for technology?

Other things I'm pondering...
Are Emergen-C packets really just expensive servings of Tang?

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