
Thursday, July 15, 2021

Church Camp - More Than

Daniel and I both had wonderful experiences going to church camp as kids. I have such fond memories of the summers that I was 10-12 going to Camp Omagh in Canada. As a teenager I went to Wilderness Trek in Colorado almost every summer. Those experiences had significant impacts on me.
Daniel attended Hy Lake Christian Camp close to Rock Island State Park here in Tennessee. I know those are some of his best memories as well.
The church we attend does a three-day camp every summer starting at the completion of third grade. Jack was so excited when he realized he was old enough to go.
Since this is new territory for us as parents, Daniel and I felt better knowing that Daniel could attend as a chaperone. He and another dad got to be the counselors for the third grade boys. Honestly it was a great opportunity for Daniel to go and spend some time with other adults from church – I get to do that type of thing quite often while he is stuck at home working. Thankfully camp was flexible enough that he could do some work from there.
I think Jack was a bit anxious when we finally arrived at the drop off at church. It was pretty chaotic as they tried to check everyone in and get them loaded on church vans. The theme of the week was "More Than" (I actually designed the t-shirts) and the location of camp was Camp to Know Him in Alabama. 
Jack had a blast! 
The water sports were amazing – there was kayaking and a water trampoline and a huge inflatable tower to climb and jump off, and also a rope swing. The camp had its traditional shaving cream fight – a first for Jack. He even took it in stride when he got asked to skip around the dining room with a girl (one of his friends). We are so thankful that it was such a good experience for both Jack and Daniel.

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