
Sunday, March 27, 2011

52 Books: Books 16 and 17

This week I wrapped up two books. Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis is the first in a space trilogy. It is a short book that introduces the main character of the trilogy, Ransom, and describes his unexpected trip to Malacandra {otherwise known as Mars}. It is a quick read, but I found it to be rudimentary compared to The Chronicles of Narnia. Next up is Perelandra.

Book number two for the week was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. I have been listening to an audio version of this book while training for my half marathon. Running with a story playing in my earphones has really helped to pass the time on my longer runs.

I don't remember reading this book when I was young, though I did recall parts of the story. It really is quite the adventure as Huck Finn finds himself in a multitude of scrapes – all of which he manages to find a way out of. I was entertained through the entire book.


  1. I heard that the Perelandra series is based on Dante's Divine Comedy. Did you see a parallel? I was planning on reading Dante and then the whole Perelandra series. Probably won't get to the latter until this summer!

    I liked Huck Finn until the end when Tom Sawyer comes back in. Felt like it made the ending droop considerably!

    Good luck with your half marathon!

  2. I have not read Dante's Divine Comedy, so I can't comment as to whether or not it is similar. I was under the impression that Lewis wrote the trilogy in response to WW2.

    Wikipedia offers some good parallels to other literature, but does not comment on Dante.

    Tom Sawyer appearing at the end of Huck Finn was definitely over the top, but I didn't mind the intrusion of his character.
