
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Burned Out on Running

It is 4 weeks and some change until the half marathon and sadly I am starting to feel burned out with the long distance training. I ran 9 miles on Saturday but I am dreading my next run {short or long}. I should have run yesterday, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I am so close that there is no reason to quit now, but at the same time I need to find some motivation to keep training. Any advice from you long distance runners???

On a separate note, I am really intrigued by Merrel's new Barefoot Trail Glove.


  1. If your looking to get into "barefoot" running you might also take a look at Vibram's Five Fingers and Nike also has a decent "natural" running shoe. As far as the distance running. I don't like to take music with me if the run is more then 3 miles. I find that the quiet time lets me think about how awesome I am and how I'm going to accomplish so much stuff once I get back to the house after this run. Hmmm, that reminds me, my wife is awesome also. Oh yeah and I have awesome friends. There are so many great things I'm going to accomplish. I'm not winded at all. And I just let my mind wander like that until I'm done.

  2. Luke - First of all, you crack me up.

    Second, have you run using the Vibram Five Fingers? They creep me out for some reason. I keep seeing the Merrel's and I like that they are still like a shoe.

    I must not be that awesome, because I have to run with something playing in my head. Give your awesome wife my love!
