
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Jack is Two Months Old

Can I please hit the pause button? My baby boy is growing way too fast.

I never thought I would be the type of person who would be over the moon about a baby, but I am. And so is Daniel. It makes us wonder why we waited so long! Just kidding, the timing for baby Jack was perfect and we adore everything about him.

Shortly after he turned one month old, we had a pediatrician visit where we discovered he was gaining 2 oz a day {average is 1 oz}. Now at 2 months old he is already 13 lbs. No wonder my back hurts at the end of everyday!

Besides growing, in the last month Jack has continued to develop in all areas. He holds his head up fairly well {though he still has the bobble head at times}. He now coos and tries to talk back to us when we talk or sing to him. He loves bath time and I think he has learned bladder control {no more peeing the second we set him in the water during bath time and rarely peeing on us during diaper changes}.

Jack has improved in his eating habits – he no longer acts like a little pig who believes that each feeding time will be his last. This has tremendously helped with his volume of spit up.

Jack is such a happy baby. He rarely cries for the sake of crying and is easily calmed... especially when we implement the " cuddle cure." He wakes up at 3am and 5am like clockwork to be fed. He is a speedy eater so I can feed him and do a diaper change in 15 minutes flat. It is awesome.

This month Jack experienced his first Christmas, his first New Years and his first ride on a four wheeler.

We love doing new things with him. We have also traveled quite a bit and had plenty of visitors. Our son is truly loved.

We have made an effort to get out with him as much as possible. We eat out at least once a week and he is a doll. Early on he would just sleep. Now he is sometimes awake and he loves for us to hold him while we eat – he wants to watch and be involved in the meal. I also started taking him to yoga and kickboxing. He is a big hit and is content to watch me workout. Jack also made his debut at the grocery store – I carry him strapped to my chest in a Moby or Bjorn.

Jack smiles intentionally and laughs. Sometimes he does it in his sleep and it melts my heart. He watches me intently and will follow me with his eyes. He is still not a fan of tummy time, but loves to watch his mobile and hit the rattle that hangs over his play mat.

We are now almost exclusively using
cloth diapers and they have been great.

We still don't use Jack's nursery – mostly because we have been busy traveling or entertaining visitors. We are planning to make the transition to the nursery in the coming weeks.

We can't wait to see how Jack grows and changes next month. For now we try to spend lots of time cuddling and loving on him.

*I will be writing monthly updates of Jack with pictures of Jack and the Tonka truck on the 11th of each month.
One Month Old.

1 comment:

  1. They certainly grow fast, don't they? And that monkey blanket is too cute!
