
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Baby #2: Halfway There

I am officially halfway through this pregnancy (give or take days/weeks). Though if I am on time like I was with Jack, we are exactly 20 weeks out.

Anyways, I wanted to write about the similarities and differences of this pregnancy to that of my first. I had forgotten about parts of the experience, so I am thankful I kept weekly accounts of my first pregnancy as it helps jog my memory.

5 Weeks Pregnant

Daily shots. This is probably my least favorite aspect of being pregnant. Due to a blood clot (DVT and PE) I experienced 6 years ago, I have to give myself daily injections in my stomach. This time around they are cheaper because there is a generic option available. However, no matter what the pharmacist says about the syringes being produced in the same facility, for some reason the generic shot hurts more than the brand name. Maybe it is all in my head, but since I have to do these shots for such a long period, I am opting to pay a little more for brand name Lovenox.

Heartburn. This is the same and different. I am definitely having heartburn, but I think it was much worse when I was expecting Jack. According to old wives tales, this baby should have hair, but maybe not as much as Jack did?

9 Weeks Pregnant

Exercise. I am still exercising 4x a week during this pregnancy. With Jack I did Yoga twice a week and Kickboxing twice a week. This time I am doing Pump (a weight lifting class) on Mondays, BootCamp on Tues/Thurs and PiYo on Wednesdays. I am so thankful that I am able to work out through my pregnancies. Some days it is hard to go to the gym and I know I will be sore after, but it is much better than how I feel if I miss a workout. I have been modifying some, but not a whole lot. I can still do full body pushups (a couple weeks ago, I was able to do 100 during a one hour class). It feels good to feel strong.

Back Aches. I have started getting some lower back aches late in the day, which is similar to my first pregnancy. I am also starting to show more visibly, though I have not actually gained any weight, whereas I had gained about 6 pounds at this point before.

12 Weeks Pregnant

Cravings. No specific cravings for either pregnancy, though this time I discovered pickles helped with the metallic taste in my mouth (which I also experienced the first time around). 

Carrying Lower? I think I am carrying lower. I feel more pressure lower, that is for sure.

Morning Sickness. I had zero morning sickness in my first pregnancy, but a lot of nausea and problems with an exacerbated gag reflex this time around that lasted about 6 weeks.

15 Weeks Pregnant

Emotions. This time has been a lot more of an emotional roller coaster for me. Most likely because of my previous miscarriage. Plus I think it is just harder emotionally to be pregnant once you are already responsible for another human being.

Tired. I feel more tired this time. Probably because I spend my days keeping up with a three year old. Also, my brain feels like mush. I haven't been reading, I haven't considered what the nursery will look like, and I haven't even begun to think about names for this kid.

18 Weeks Pregnant

Gender. This time we are choosing not to find out the gender of our baby. We aren't so afraid of becoming parents and feel some relief in not knowing everything. We are excited about the surprise that awaits us in April.

Kicks. I didn't really start feeling Jack until closer to 22 weeks and even then it was mild. He never kicked much. Upon delivery we learned that he had had his cord wrapped around his neck for a good portion of my pregnancy. This time I actually started to feel flutters about 2 weeks ago. Then this week there was more substantial movement. Last night I felt significant kicks, even with my hand on my belly. I have a feeling this child is going to be more rambunctious than our easy-going first born.

After eating Thanksgiving dinner
Light Headed. I don't remember feeling light headed with Jack, but I have been feeling light headed on a regular basis this time around.

Winter vs. Summer. This time it is colder and I have been sicker. I haven't enjoyed dealing with a lingering chest cold. But I am also thankful I'm not pregnant in the middle of a hot August.

I am sure there are other similarities and differences, this is just what I can think of off the top of my head. 20 more weeks to go!

20 Weeks Pregnant (TODAY!)

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving with some of Daniel's family in Nashville. We alternate holidays and who hosts the meal and this year Daniel's sister, Amy, volunteered to host. 

The Moores used to have a pretty firm tradition of having Thanksgiving brunch in lieu of a big turkey dinner, but over the years we have occasionally broken that tradition. This was one of those years and we had a traditional turkey and ham dinner with all of the trimmings instead of breakfast.

The food, as usual, was delicious. Jack especially enjoyed the ham and sweet potato casserole. And lets not forget the rolls. My boy would only eat rolls if we let him!

My brother was also able to join us this year and he brought a yummy "massaged kale" salad. He has been telling me about this salad more months, so I was glad to finally get to try it.

Jack loved all of the attention of being the only kiddo in the mix. This will be our last year with only one child to celebrate the holidays. Next year will be an interesting adjustment, but one that we are all looking forward to.

Daniel's mom brought a craft for Jack. He loved putting together the feathered headbands. His great Aunt Trine showed him how to dance and make a war cry like an Indian. He thought that was great.

Jack also had fun opening a late birthday present from Aunt Amy. This kid is spoiled, and he eats it all up. 

He also enjoyed discovering a pass through cabinet that he took over as his "special house." He convinced anyone who would play with him, to come visit him in his house. It provided endless entertainment.

We also enjoyed caramel and pumpkin pie. Jack was really pumped about the caramel pie – a first for him.

We missed all of the family that could not be with us this year, either due to sickness or other commitments. 

We were also feeling the loss of an honorary Great Uncle "Bubba" who passed away unexpectedly earlier in the week. So this holiday is bitter sweet in that we are attending a funeral this weekend.

We have so much to be thankful for. I hope you were able to spend some time celebrating with those you love.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Baby #2: 19 Week Ultrasound

This morning we had our big ultrasound where we learned that our baby is healthy and growing on track for the April 18th due date. Our baby's current size is 9oz. We heard a strong heartbeat of 148bpm, and saw all of the appendages, along with a good spine and sweet profile. 

For this ultrasound, we had Jack tag along so he could see the baby. On the way there, we discussed how we were going to see the baby at a special doctor's appointment. I explained we would go in a dark room and I would lay down and we would see the baby. In the car, Jack seemed pretty on board with the experience. Once there, he was shy and quiet. He pointed out that every time the ultrasound tech pushed a button it made a beeping noise. He's 3, so I'm sure he didn't totally get what was going on, but it was sweet to share this experience with both him and Daniel.

This pregnancy has been so different from my first. We have decided (for now) not to find out the sex of baby #2. With Jack, we were excitedly picking out names as soon as this big ultrasound was over. This time we are just taking it slow. To be honest, I haven't even thought about names.

According to a previous blog post about my pregnancy with Jack, it is interesting to see that the heart rate of baby #2 is similar to what Jack's heartbeat was at this point. Also, looking back, it seems that I am showing about the same in this pregnancy as I was with Jack. However, this baby is very different in that it is extremely squirmy. The ultrasound tech had a hard time getting good pictures that weren't blurry! Jack was really mellow in the womb, so I am anxious to discover if this baby will be busier outside the womb. Also, being pregnant in the winter verses the summer has been different in terms of being sick. I am still fighting off a chest cold. Thankfully my OB gave me a couple of prescriptions that I am hoping will help me at least sleep at night.

As always, getting to see your baby on an ultrasound is a sweet experience. I'm thankful there was no need to be anxious at this appointment. We were able to just relish the experience. Next week I will post about being halfway through this pregnancy.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Curious George Birthday Party, Jack's 3rd Birthday Party

On Saturday we celebrated Jack's 3rd Birthday party with family members that were able to come spend the day with us.

Each year I get a little more low key with the party happenings. This year, Jack requested Curious George for the theme. Really, he is thrilled to just have cake, balloons and loved ones to play with for the day.

Being pregnant, I decided we should just order pizza, though I did make a cake. For decorations, I created a fun invitation, and our traditional 12 month photo collage. 

We hung streamers and my brother blew up balloons. Jack was in 3-year-old heaven with the streamers.

He got some really great gifts from family and we bought him a $5 electric toothbrush, because that is what he requested.

For a newly turned 3-year-old he sure has some definite opinions of what he likes and doesn't like. 

We continued to be blessed by having this little guy in our lives. Parenting him is such a joy.

1st Birthday Party // 2nd Birthday Party

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Jack's 3rd Birthday

I asked Jack what he wanted to do today for his birthday and he said "go to the Y, go to church and go to a big restaurant for a burrito." We managed to do 2 out of 3 of his requests, plus a couple of other activities.

We started the day out with pancakes, per his request. After watching TV, Jack was a trooper and let me take him to get his haircut. He was getting a bit shaggy and was on board with getting to sit in the fire truck at Pigtails and Crewcuts.

After the haircut, we headed to the Y for Zumbini class. We were a little late, but were surprised by the kids singing Happy Birthday to Jack. After Zumbini, Jack went to childcare to play while I did Boot Camp. Afterwards we enjoyed eating lunch with friends on the playground.

Here is a quick example of a difference between boys and girls: The girls were collecting ladybugs to show their moms. Jack (the only boy) brought me a ladybug and proudly said, "Look, I squished it!" The girls were not impressed by the squishing.

After the Y we picked up a corn dogs and a slush at Sonic. 

That night, per Jack's request, we went to our local Mexican restaurant, El Metate, for burritos. Jack was very specific in that he wanted to wear the blue hat (sombrero) after dinner.

I don't know that he was prepared for the whip cream in his face, but he was a trooper. Especially since he got to wear his special hat. Daniel and I enjoyed his sopapilla while he ate all of the whip cream. 


After dinner, Daniel took him to play at the playground across from our house. It was a special treat to get to play in the dark. 

I would say Jack had a successful day turning three. We plan to celebrate with some of our family this weekend.