
Saturday, March 21, 2020

CVSD: Day 10

There is a meme floating around the internet comparing what people thought of homeschool moms before the Great Social Distancing Movement of Covid-19 to what people think of homeschool moms now that everyone has been forced into the homeschool life.

In one version, the preconception is that homeschool mothers were puritanical women who are now seen as super heroes. I have to be honest and say that I'm in my third year of homeschooling and I don't know anyone who is this level of puritanical, and I fully believe that all involved parents are super heroes.

Last year I met a public school teacher who told me she could never teach her own kids at home because she couldn't handle being home all the time. Well, I want to set the record straight: I love teaching my kids BUT being home all the time is the pits! Last week was the most I have ever been home in my whole life (other than for sickness).

A normal week for our family would have social interaction with other people including (at a minimum) going to the Y and being with friends for at least two hours on Monday and Tuesday. There would be a group hike or field trip on Wednesday and then meeting up with friends at church for several hours. It would mean a drop-off co-op at the YMCA on Thursday for most of the day. Then our Classical Conversations co-op that lasts almost all day on Friday. Not to mention several hours of playing outside with neighborhood kids every day and our standing Thursday afternoon playdate with a family in another neighborhood when they all get home from school. As homeschoolers our family intentionally crosses paths with hundreds of people each week. And now, like the rest of you, in a blink of an eye, it's all gone. And it's been hard.

Whatever notion you have about homeschoolers, it probably isn't exactly true. Especially not based on everyone's current reality. I can give advice and suggestions based on what we are used to, and life is probably a bit easier for us in a lot of ways; but like you we are dealing with having to prepare more meals, having to clean more often, husbands who are working from home in our spaces, kids that are bored, kids (and mamas) who miss their friends, and kids who are eating all of the snacks by the end of Monday.

Homeschoolers aren't some kind of special parent with super powers. We are like you. Parents who care about out kids and are doing the best we can considering the circumstances. Much love to everyone during these trying times!

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