Thursday, September 15, 2011

52 Books: Book 39

Last week I finished BabyWise by


  1. I have heard nothing but bad things about that book. Here are some articles about it:
    and these articles share a better way of parenting:
    Congratulations on your pregnancy and I wish you the best with your new little one!

  2. I recommend reading The No Cry Sleep Solution. Something needs to balance out a book like Babywise! I'd be real careful about trying to put a young baby on a "feeding schedule," too. They know what they need!

  3. Thank you for your input. The breast feeding class I took at Vanderbilt supported having a feeding schedule. I am open to reading different materials but I am comfortable with many of the principles taught in the BabyWise book.

    I personally did not find the suggestions in the book to be punitive or adversarial at all. I know many people who have used the principles in BabyWise as a guide and it has worked for them and their children are well nurtured and thriving today.


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