Saturday, April 14, 2007

confused fingers

i used to only use macs (you know, back in the college days when i had access to a computer lab when i couldn't afford my own computer). and then my first couple of jobs i was blessed with macs as my main computer.

but over time i had to adapt to pcs. this is not b/c i wanted to, but more out of necessity. to have the corporate type jobs that i have had, i have been relegated to pcs. i have adapted and longed for my mac days, but i have managed to work fine on a pc.

however i recently got a mac powerbook and i am back in the land of macs - which is awesome. the problem is this: i still use a pc (almost as much as my mac). actually that is not even the problem - the problem is that i use hot keys for practically everything. so when you switch back and forth between a mac and pc you end up doing all sorts of fun things to your computer b/c for a mac you hit the apple key for everything (which is the alt key on a pc) and on a pc you use the control key for everything (which is practically useless on a mac).

so by the time my fingers adapt to using the correct buttons on whatever platform i am working from, i then switch over to another platform and my fingers wreak havoc once again...

i see this to be a continuing problem in my immediate future. my fingers need to get smarter to automatically know the difference between my mac & pc.

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