Wednesday, May 19, 2010

the good. the bad. the random. (On My Own in Charlotte, May 2010)

The Good. Had an amazing time catching up with friends and family this past weekend.
The Bad. I am still recovering from the craziness.
The Random. It has been 3 weeks with ZERO showings for the house. I am trying not to let it get me down.
The Good. My brother is now Master Mark - he graduated from grad school on Saturday.

The Bad. I missed his actual graduation, but got to spend 6 hours with him in the car, hanging out, catching up.
The Random. I have the cutest, sweetest niece in the whole world {I'm not biased}. We saw her {and my sister and brother-in-law} for lunch last Friday. Then again on Sunday. The best part is that she came to me immediately. We hadn't seen them since Thanksgiving. I would like to think she remembered me. But it is more likely the fact that she is a super happy baby and seems to love everyone.

The Good. Daniel will be home in two days.
The Bad. This weekend he is actually taking a course he's been really wanting to take... I guess this means I can get caught up on my reading.
The Random. I needed to give Sophie a bath on Monday after I got home. I was having trouble hooking the hose up to the sink {don't ask}, so I put on a swimsuit and had her stand in the master bathroom shower with me. She was not a fan. But I managed to get her clean.

The Good. I started a new exercize program last night – The 30-Day Shred with Jillian Michaels.
The Bad. Sophie thought we were "playing" while I worked out. Having a 30-pound dog jump on you while you do butt kicks or jumping jacks is not conducive to a good workout. Even better was when she decided to sit on my head while I did crunches. I tried to hold her off with one arm... Eventually I told her to get on the couch and STAY. This worked for the next round of cardio, but she still wanted to sit on my head every time I laid down :(
The Random. It turns out that my Grandpa has colon cancer. Since I don't live in Canada, it is kind of hard to process. We are making plans for a trip to Ontario some time this summer. It has been several years since I have been up there. And I had to send off to renew my passport. He has lived a long, full life. But I am not ready for him to be done on this earth. It is in God's hands.

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